December 24, 2013

Celebrity Spotlight: Chatting with Jeff Timmons

Jeff Timmons skyrocketed to fame in the nineties when he was a member of the popular boy band 98 Degrees. He built a massive fan base and made women melt with his sexy voice and smoldering good looks.

So where is he now? Jeff has not only done some solo musical projects, but he also has become a Chippendale dancer at theRIO in Las Vegas. In addition, he is also working on Men Of The Strip, another Chippendale/Magic Mike esque project where he and Glenn Douglas Packard search the country to try and find some of the best, sexiest male dancers to perform in Las Vegas.
I recently  chatted with Jeff to promote the project, which you can find out more about on

Tell me a little bit about yourself.
I’m just a neurotic singer that loves being a husband and dad.

What made you decide to go into the music business?
 At first it was for the girls and money, but now I'm in it for the music.

You gained quite a fanbase as a member of 98 Degrees. How does it feel to still have those fans follow your career?
I feel blessed.

 Tell me about Men Of The Strip.
Men of The Strip is a sexier more talented version of Magic Mike.

How did you get involved with this project? 
I thought it would be a novel idea and hooked up with Glenn Douglas Packard and Money Mike.

What attracted you to it?
I wanted to give back to our fans in a sexier way.

What do you hope to gain from working in Men Of The Strip?
Fun times and worldwide fun for females.

What are some of your future plans?
Just to keep having fun and being able to create. I would also love to do Dancing With The Stars!!!!

'You've done singing, Men Of The Strip, songwriting and reality TV. What else do you want to try?
I would love to produce music.

If you were to go back to recording, who are some artists you want to collaborate with?
I would love to work with NeYo.

What would people be surprised to know about you?
That I'm shy!

Any last words for America?
I appreciate all of the love and support!

Thank you to Jeff and his publicity team for this interview and be sure to check out Men Of The Strip.

Jeff Timmons and The Men of The Strip Take It Off On ‘The Gossip Table’

VH1's hit show The Gossip Table usually breaks news stories with In Touch's contributing news editor Noah Levy, but today things went in a very new direction!
Jeff Timmons of 98 Degrees decided to come by with his all male review called The Men of The Strip to give Marianne Garvey andChloe Melas some love since they both recently got engaged.  
Noah surprised the ladies by taking them away from their round table in Time Square and had them sit in two seats where the hunky men gave them a lap dance live on air.  Check out the clip below! Don't worry, the show will be back tomorrow with even more breaking news from In Touch Weekly!
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Sneak Peek of 'Fresh' Vegas Show Coming to Hampton Beach

Jeff Timmons of Grammy-nominated R&B boy band 98 Degrees says he knows what women really want to see in a male revue. 
You need to do more than throw hunks on a stage to dance half-naked. There should be flashy lights, top-notch choreography, acrobatics and even live vocalists — like Timmons himself.
They need to be seduced.
Timmons is presenting all of that in a new show called "Men of the Strip," which comes to Wally's Pub in Hampton on Friday, Dec. 13. 
"Girls need to be tantalized," said Timmons. "Not only through visual but mental, so one of the things I discovered, not just from hosting the Chippendales but even being in 98 Degrees… [is] you have to approach women differently. You need to be a little more delicate… for the most part women need to be seduced mentally, and I think that’s what we’re doing with this brand."
Timmons is currently promoting "Men of the Strip," which he calls a fresh new take on the male revue, by touring across America with its cast of ripped male dancers. Though he’s not dancing or undressing himself, he’s emceeing and singing songs from both his solo catalogue and that of 98 Degrees. 
The show will also have a Las Vegas residency and will be the focus of an E! Network reality television series of the same name, likely to air in spring of 2014. 
Timmons said he expects the brand created by the show to be quite valuable.
"I think it can be a billion-dollar brand," Timmons said. "I think it can be a franchise brand around the planet. I think it’s fresh, cool. I think it’s something for the ladies that hasn’t quite been out there in this manner, and it's very mainstream."
Timmons got the idea to do "Men of the Strip" shortly after he emceed a Chippendale’s revue for four weeks in 2011. He loved working with Chippendale’s, but he thought that their show was dated.
"The Chippendale brand was old, diminished, [and I thought it] could be a little cooler," said Timmons.
When he asked if he could take on the job of revamping Chippendale’s, he was told that Glenn Douglas Packard, acclaimed choreographer who has worked with Michael Jackson, Pink and Usher, had already done so. 
Hearing that inspired Timmons, and he called Packard to make a proposal.
"I got with Glenn and said, 'Hey, Glenn, let’s put together a cooler male revue. We can take it on TV, and take it all over the planet,'" said Timmons. "And he was like, 'I’ve been wanting to do it for years.'"
The two connected with a third business partner, "Money" Mike Foland, and the three have since put together "Men of the Strip."
The cast of men come from various backgrounds — some singers, dancers, actors and models. One thing they have in common, other than their abilities to sing and dance as they do in the show, is their charm. 
Timmons, who said Packard has an eye for what appeals to women, made sure to select a wide variety of dancers and personalities.
"He didn’t just pick guys that were good looking," said Timmons. "Glenn’s a gay guy, so he has a feeling he knows what girls like. So, he picked all different styles of guys and looks of guys, personalities of guys, and he also kept in mind — brilliantly — television, and [that] this is going be a TV show, and how they would interact and [how it] ebbs and flows on TV."
Timmons, who has been on tour with the dancers since Nov. 1, has enjoyed getting the chance to mentor young men who are new to the entertainment business. 
As the dancers dive into the world of stardom that exists off stage, Timmons’ biggest piece of advice for them to always be "real" and treat the people around them with respect.
"We’re discouraging diva stuff around here," said Timmons. "The main thing I try to portray to these guys is, 'Be humble.' You can look good and having girls screaming and ripping your clothes off, and get paid money to dance on stage and beer and wine and food and all that stuff handed to you, but at the end of the day, its short lived. It comes and goes. Your reputation lasts forever."
Timmons said he will host the show in Las Vegas for the first six weeks, and then he hopes to bring in celebrity guests to emcee.
"I don’t have anybody in mind yet, but we want this to be a really cool brand, so you won’t have 'B-level' reality stars hosting this," said Timmons. "We want to make this like 'Playboy After Dark,' like they used to have on TV where Goldie Hawn would come in and host or some big really big celebrities, movie stars, TV stars. We want to make sure that this brand separates itself from any other brand of this genre."

Jeff Timmons, Hot as Ever

I’ve had a love affair with the majority of pop music’s boy bands, including the easily forgotten ones like the short lived 3 Deep.
But regardless of whether or not they are still making music, I’m still a fan.
So last week when Jeff Timmons from 98 Degrees invited me to Toronto to witness his newest venture, Men of the Strip, I was excited not only to meet a handful of barely dressed buff hotties, but to also meet Jeff himself!
My last Timmons sighting had me standing floor level, row 10, screaming and singing all his past hits when 98 Degrees opened for NKOTB’s ‘The Package’ tour.
But this time I wasn’t swimming in a sea of admiring fans, It was just the 3 of us: Jeff, myself, and co-writer Megan, sitting down for an intimate chat.
We asked a number of important questions and both walked away feeling inspired and excited about his new show opening 2014 in Las Vegas.

A show which we were also lucky to preview that night… and yes, Jeff even takes the stage during this all male review!
inging his new songs and some 98 Degree throwbacks, Jeff still has the voice, talent and charisma which can whip a crowd into a wild frenzy!
But what impressed me the most was his response to this question:
Mr.Fab “You’ve certainly had it all – you’ve been at the top, so why now start back at the bottom with a new group of guys?”
Jeff – “I’ve always wanted to deliver the best and when I compiled this group of guys, I saw their talent, drive and goals. I want to be there to mentor them and help them achieve their dreams.”
Not only does Jeff have a sincere kind heart, he’s also a realist!
Mr.Fab – “How do you know when it’s best to just leave your shirt on?”
Jeff – “Have you seen the other guys… It’s time!”
But as far as M & I are concerned…. He’s still a good decade away from needing to keep it on!
Then it came time for M.Fab to chime in….
Here are her thoughts:
Meeting the other Men of the Strip was something I will never forget, so many abs and muscles in places I didn’t know muscles could grow… But I couldn’t even wait to sit and chat with Jeff Timmons!
He was so friendly, open and gracious - a true star. I didn’t want to blow it so I asked a question I knew our readers would be the most interested in:
M.Fab - “In three words, can you describe the smell of the tour bus?”
Jeff – “The. Bus. Smells” he blurted out. “Dudes, protein shakes, sneakers and socks, it doesn’t take a chemist to know that cocktail is pure danger!”
“All 10 guys have been living and touring in the bus and although Joel has taken on the role of ‘Den-Mother’ it is still not pretty.”
I loved his hutzpah. His drive and energy. He was in 98 Degrees for goodness sake; he does not need to be pounding the pavement anymore. But he does it for the challenge.
Not the fame or the money, but the self-satisfaction in knowing you’ve created something exciting people are going to definitely be talking about.
And between the 2 of us … We’re still talking!!!
We are looking forward to paying you all a visit when you find your landing spot in Las Vegas!
“You’ve gotta be Real and you’ve gotta be Fun” -Jeff Timmons
Fab words to live by!
Mr & M.Fab of the Timmons

EDM Top 50 of 2013-Special Guest Jeff Timmons

All about Men of The Strip on Etalk

Men of The Strip STRIP TEASERS

Men of the Strip STRIP TEASER 2

Men Of The Strip on Tour: Teaser 3