December 24, 2013

Jeff Timmons, Hot as Ever

I’ve had a love affair with the majority of pop music’s boy bands, including the easily forgotten ones like the short lived 3 Deep.
But regardless of whether or not they are still making music, I’m still a fan.
So last week when Jeff Timmons from 98 Degrees invited me to Toronto to witness his newest venture, Men of the Strip, I was excited not only to meet a handful of barely dressed buff hotties, but to also meet Jeff himself!
My last Timmons sighting had me standing floor level, row 10, screaming and singing all his past hits when 98 Degrees opened for NKOTB’s ‘The Package’ tour.
But this time I wasn’t swimming in a sea of admiring fans, It was just the 3 of us: Jeff, myself, and co-writer Megan, sitting down for an intimate chat.
We asked a number of important questions and both walked away feeling inspired and excited about his new show opening 2014 in Las Vegas.

A show which we were also lucky to preview that night… and yes, Jeff even takes the stage during this all male review!
inging his new songs and some 98 Degree throwbacks, Jeff still has the voice, talent and charisma which can whip a crowd into a wild frenzy!
But what impressed me the most was his response to this question:
Mr.Fab “You’ve certainly had it all – you’ve been at the top, so why now start back at the bottom with a new group of guys?”
Jeff – “I’ve always wanted to deliver the best and when I compiled this group of guys, I saw their talent, drive and goals. I want to be there to mentor them and help them achieve their dreams.”
Not only does Jeff have a sincere kind heart, he’s also a realist!
Mr.Fab – “How do you know when it’s best to just leave your shirt on?”
Jeff – “Have you seen the other guys… It’s time!”
But as far as M & I are concerned…. He’s still a good decade away from needing to keep it on!
Then it came time for M.Fab to chime in….
Here are her thoughts:
Meeting the other Men of the Strip was something I will never forget, so many abs and muscles in places I didn’t know muscles could grow… But I couldn’t even wait to sit and chat with Jeff Timmons!
He was so friendly, open and gracious - a true star. I didn’t want to blow it so I asked a question I knew our readers would be the most interested in:
M.Fab - “In three words, can you describe the smell of the tour bus?”
Jeff – “The. Bus. Smells” he blurted out. “Dudes, protein shakes, sneakers and socks, it doesn’t take a chemist to know that cocktail is pure danger!”
“All 10 guys have been living and touring in the bus and although Joel has taken on the role of ‘Den-Mother’ it is still not pretty.”
I loved his hutzpah. His drive and energy. He was in 98 Degrees for goodness sake; he does not need to be pounding the pavement anymore. But he does it for the challenge.
Not the fame or the money, but the self-satisfaction in knowing you’ve created something exciting people are going to definitely be talking about.
And between the 2 of us … We’re still talking!!!
We are looking forward to paying you all a visit when you find your landing spot in Las Vegas!
“You’ve gotta be Real and you’ve gotta be Fun” -Jeff Timmons
Fab words to live by!
Mr & M.Fab of the Timmons

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